Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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A message from Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe

As Police and Crime Commissioner it’s incredibly important to me that I can connect with as many of you as possible so I can make sure I am truly representing the voice of the people, listening to what you have to say and feeding your views directly into our work and my conversations with the Chief Constable. 


That’s why I am pleased that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is now on Warwickshire Connected. It gives another way for you to stay connected with me and my team. We’ll be using our updates to keep you informed about the work we’re doing to reduce crime, support victims and make communities safer. We’ll also be signposting to the services that help victims of crime and give specialist support to help people cope and recover when incidents occur.

Earlier this month I was re-elected by Warwickshire residents to serve for a third term as Police and Crime Commissioner. I feel very humbled and privileged to have been given this responsibility once again.  Over this next term of office, I want to build on the work that I have been carrying out for the past eight years, acting on behalf of all communities across Warwickshire.


While Warwickshire remains one of the safest places in the country, there is remains more to be done to improve policing, restore trust and confidence in criminal justice systems, ensure that support for victims is enhanced and to prevent and deter crime. So, as I begin my third term, I am looking ahead to what the priorities for policing and community safety need to be in order to achieve this.


Over the past few months, I have knocked on hundreds of doors and spoken to residents across the whole county. I have listened carefully to what you feel is important and needs addressing in your communities.  I’m keen to continue doing so as I develop a new Police and Crime Plan for the county, so in the coming weeks and months there will be more opportunities to get involved and share your views, so do look out for these. 


In the meantime, you can hear more about my thoughts on the things you’ve already told me are important and what I am looking to prioritise already in the video below.


Philip Seccombe TD
Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire

Hear more from the Commissioner in this short video. 

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Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner - Warwickshire

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